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HR support to make your project a success

Making a success of your project means taking an interest in the people who make it happen. Tailor-made HR support gives you the keys to realise your business ambitions, just like a financial plan or a marketing strategy.

Who is our recruitment service aimed at?

Small and large

We support microenterprises, SMEs, family businesses, start-ups, spin-offs, scale-ups and large companies to achieve their HR objectives

Growth sectors

Our clients are active in the sectors in which we have developed a recognised expertise: life sciences and industry


How does it work?

Strategic workforce planning is an interactive and iterative process to develop an HR strategy. It allows an organisation to plan its needs and human resources to achieve its objectives.

How do you define and implement a coherent HR strategy?

  • Understand the organisation and its environment
  • Define the HR needs of the organisation of tomorrow
  • Identify the gaps between today and tomorrow
  • Determine and implement a plan of action
  • Ensure an agile and lasting follow-up

Our guarantees:


Adapt human resources to your business ambitions.


Facilitate decision-making in human resources management.


Support the vision and adapt to developments.

Would you like to benefit from HR Support?

Let's discuss it and work together to identify sustainable solutions for your business